Monday, May 9, 2011

4th First time in crib

I have a crib, and it is AWESOME! Unfortunately it doesn't fit in my parent's room and I'm too small to sleep by myself in my room (ahem, my mom is just too tired to get up 3 times a night and go to the next room ... so she wants to keep me close). But some days I take naps in my new room, just cause my parents think it's cute. 

2 reactions:

Megumi Hirasawa said...

What an adorable nursery you set up for Aiden! Lucky boy! He's so precious!

Jewel said...

Yep! And now I also added the WII ... and we're thinking of getting a rocking chair too! We also have hooks in the ceiling for his future johnny jumper and swing!
He definitely is a lucky boy! ... but he's our first baby so we just HAVE to spoil him! :D