Sunday, May 15, 2011

1 month old!

My Papoosie is 1 whole month old today! Time really flies and he is growing so much!

So far I have to say there haven't been any huge surprises. The time I spent taking care of kids is all just coming back to me, and I've gotta say I'm very thankful that I have been 'prepared'. Even breastfeeding was an easy transition. The first few days were tough because everything hurt and adding my boobs to the mix was just an extra burden for me, but within a week my milk had come in, my nipples 'toughened up', and everything was ok.
Even waking up in the night isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. It's only this past week that he has started really crying his head off (thankfully, he rarely does it during the night). I was very worried that I wouldn't be able to wake up to feed him, but I've only slept through his whimpering once or twice! And thankfully, the times when I am too tired to get up Ardit has been there to get up and fed him. Funny thing though: he is totally fine with feeding the baby (We bottle-fed him pumped milk for the first 3 weeks because Papoosie was too small to latch on properly) but he refuses (good-naturedly, but still refuses) to change his diaper. So if it's Ardit's 'turn' to wake up with the baby I will still get up for 5 minutes or so just to change him :D.
Actually one thing that took my by surprise: the amount of food I need to get through the day. Technically its only a little more than the amount I was supposed to get while pregnant, but I was sick for 6 out of 8 months of pregnancy so suddenly needing so much food to get through the day and being constantly hungry has taken me by surprise. I need 5 servings of protein/calcium a day, so I'm constantly snacking on yogurt, nuts, drinking milk (trying soy milk too!) besides my meals when I get meat and fish etc. It's somehow more physical and tangible than when I was pregnant. Because I know it was important to eat well while pregnant but somehow I couldn't 'see' results of what I was eating. But now I really see and feel effects of the food I eat. If I have a bad food day and somehow there is less milk I get super worried that I'll dry up (even though food actually doesn't have any direct affect to the amount of milk produced ... unless I go on a fast or something). Anyway, all my pregnant friends ... something to think about and prepare yourself for once the baby comes! I mean I guess you are all already eating healthy and the shiz ... but I had a hard time eating when preggers so its just been a new thing for me.

Starting today I put him on the cloth diapers we had bought for him. He was too small to use them when he first came out, but I wanted to try to see if he had grown enough for them ... and so far so good! It's only been his first day so we'll see how it goes but I'm liking it so far! It's amazing how much it seems he's grown! Hopefully we will be able to stop buying diapers really soon! I will post pictures of it later.

Anyway, happy 1 month to my Papoosie!

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