Friday, May 13, 2011

4 weeks old!

My baby is 4 weeks old today! I cant believe how fast he's growing! It feels like just last week we brought him home!

3 reactions:

Mersida said...

Jewel, you are glowing! Congratulations on your bundle of joy...I couldn't stop crying at your birth story...
Aiden is beautiful, and he looks a lot like you...careful though, they do change within a matter of hours it seems. Laert looked a lot like me when he was born, now he is a copy of his dad.
Anyways, I am sure he will be an amazing person when he grows up!
May he live to be 100 years old (as they say in Albania)
Best wishes on 1 month birthday, and many more to come

Jesse said...

You must be a proud mother. And from the looks of it, a great one too!

Fyrefly said...

Mersida thank you, you are so sweet! Yes, Aiden is changing everyday and now look so much like daddy! We hope you can make it to Albania this summer!
Kisses to little Laerti!

Jesse I am so in love with my son! Thanks for your compliments, and it would be so great to meet little Kanon if I ever make it back to Japan! Send my love to Rumi!