Monday, August 15, 2011

4 months old, 17 weeks

Happy 4 month birthday to my sweet Papoosie!

We took him to the doctor to get him measured and he hadn't grown too much ... he was 5.7 kg. So he only gained about 300 grams from one month ago. But in this heat he hadn't been drinking much so we sort of knew that would happen ... I was just hoping that he had reached 6 kg. Oh well ... next time.

This past week Grandma and Grandpa went for vacations to the beach, so I had a lot of time to spend as SERIOUS one-on-one time with him. I was able to regulate his schedule better, set better sleeping times, have school times, etc etc. I definitely appreciate all Grandma's help in taking Papoosie when I have to work ... but this was a great week too! We took daily walks to the Lake just the two of us, and when Daddy didn't have work we had real 'family days' with the 3 of us.

He is generally such a happy boy! He thrives when we give him attention, but gets angry fast when left alone. ... Solution ... give him TONS of attention! I found a trick that works tho ... he wakes up SO SO early in the morning, and I only took him out from around 7 to the Lake (in the morning ... we went TWICE every day this week!) ... and I want to sleep until then ... so around 5 (after I filled all the buckets with water, washed the dishes, and did a load of laundry), I would turn on the Baby Einstein video and set the computer down next to him on the bed so he could watch it ... and he would stay entertained for up to 30 minutes! He really seems to enjoy especially the animal one!

He's been talking oh so much these days, not just the 'ma' that he used to do ... but he added 'koi koi koi' and oooh and gaa and ... just general sounds. The 'koi koi koi' thing is funny cause in Japanese its 'come' and its like he's calling us to come keep him company :d.
He loves doing school ... (right now its just flashcards and signing videos and Little Reader ... but I'm getting more flashcards soon) and generally loves his bath (not so much washing his hair tho) ... and I've started trying to put him down for the night around 10 (working pretty good so far!)

He moves positions a lot when sleeping, and when awake he tries to flip onto his back (get lazy and decides to stay on his tummy most of the time).

There was something I wanted to write about at the beginning of the week but I've forgotten now. Oh well ... I'm uber tired so I'ma go to bed ... hopefully I will be able to start posting with regularity again. This week has just been so tiring and full with baby, water situation, cleaning, etc ... cause grandparents have been gone. And for some reason now I've got TONS of work so idk how much posting I actually am gonna get in ... but I have so so so many pictures that I gotta post or they'll just stack up.

Happy sweet sweet 4 months to Papoosie ... 3 more of these and he'll be a whole year old! Kyaaaa ... I hope he stays smaller for just a little while :d
Mama loves you muah muah muah!!!!

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