Wednesday, September 21, 2011

23 weeks

My Papoosie got his 3rd vaccinations on Wednesday. Instead of getting two shots (one on each leg) like the recommended dose is, we asked them only to give him one shot, so we'll be going for the next one next week.

He was real brave and hardly cried (didn't scream in shock like last time). I had my face up real close to his and was holding his hands and when he got the shot he looked at me all shocked like and made a pitiful face and started crying a little, but as soon as I picked him up he rested his head on my shoulder and stopped crying.

He cried more during the day than normal, and his leg obviously pained him, but we put compresses on it, and just massaged it a little. It seemed to be doing better by 4 or 5 in the afternoon. He slept straight through until then ... refused to be put down, so between grandma, daddy and mommy he spent around 5 or 6 hours sleeping in our arms.
Fever stayed below 37.5 so we didn't even have to give him fever med.

On his second day he was just plain fussy, refused to let me put him down even for a second even when he was sleeping .... I must have changed his clothes at least 4 or 5 times because he would spill milk, throw up, poop, and everything! I was even out for a walk with him when most of this happened so it really was a trying day for me.

He now has a cold so even though most of the vaccination symptoms have gone, they have been replaced by a cough and runny nose and he is still plain clingy and fussy.

We have another vaccination as soon as his cold goes away (which I'm not looking forward to at all). Basically he will be down with some sort of sickness/unwellness for 2 weeks straight ... my poor baby.

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