Friday, September 2, 2011

20 weeks

Gosh this week went REAL fast.

It's still been oh so hot that his night time schedule is SCREWED UP! Messed up I tell you! And I'm SUFFERING! He wakes up and just CANT get comfy enough to sleep again. We bring him to our bed where there is more air circulation (we have two fans going at opposite ends of the room)and he sleeps better but gosh darn I am OH SO TIRED. It's also because every spare minute I have I'm working to meet this crazy deadline to make money so we can get a CAR! (or something ...)

Still no drinking. Well, some days he does better .... but the days where he drinks the recommended 750 ml (that is the minimum btw) are more the exception. I'm actually not TOO worried cause he's healthy, happy, seems to be growing bigger and heavier, wets his diapers (although he doesn't go BM very often ... maybe only once a day). Its just a little stressful cause its a FIGHT to get any amount of milk into him and it causes more crying than if I were to leave him alone and wait for him to get hungry on his own.

We took him to the beach/pool for the first time and it was so fun (for me) ... but I'm so behind on my posting and I want to do everything in order ... so ur just gonna have to WAIT!
I've also taken oh so many pictures and videos but they also are shelved waiting for me to catch up with the posting. Fingers crossed ....

He's not too interested in rolling from his tummy time position ... but he loves grabbing his feet when he's on his back and letting his legs fall to one side. And that turns into a roll. He also kicks his feet and arches his back to roll from on his back position. He uses that motion to scoot along his mat or the bed ... he can actually MOVE himself now! No more leaving him on the couch or bed while I wash the bottles or fold his clothes ....

He LOVES videos! I have only been showing him his Little Reader lessons (5 minutes a day), and Baby Einstein videos (10-20 min), and he seemed to like it. But this week we noticed that whenever he is in the living room, or out in a restaurant somewhere where the TV is on ... his eyes just go to the TV and STAY there! Even if he's lying on his back and the TV is behind him he will arch his back so he can see it! We experimented with different TV programs, the ipod, ... he loves his videos! I was so determined that I wouldn't show my baby meaningless 'time-filler' type videos but gosh darn sometimes I gotta wash the dishes, or go bathroom, or clean and I NEED that 5, 10, or 15 minutes to do something .... what's a mom to do? I feel terrible that I'm going to end up letting him watch videos but I am STILL determined to make them as quality as possible. Now I just gotta figure out what constitutes 'quality'.

We bought him a dish set so we can start giving him a little food. I was determined to only give him breastmilk until he was 6 months, but with his drinking problem, and seeing how much he seems to like eating (I mentioned this before somewhere) ... we decided we would try to start giving him some foods SLOWLY (and by slowly I mean a couple spoons of something a DAY).

Gosh so many things I had my mind made up about going into having my baby, but so many things have already been shattered. It just goes to show its really up to the baby, the circumstances ... my baby is ONE STUBBORN child and is really forging his own way! The eating, the videos, the sleeping ... GOSH! And I am learning that I have to take the things that I wanted and adapt them to what works best and IS the best for my child. Not the easiest thing to do ... cause wouldn't it just be so nice if it worked out the way I 'planned' from the beginning. But I will learn ... cause God help my child if I don't.

3 reactions:

Seiko Hashimoto said...

hahhaha TELL ME ABOUT IT!!
One my kids have been waking up and doing the same thing, i am sooooooo tired. And they love videos, again no time wasters, mostly little educational TV's .. i swore i wouldn't be THAT mom .. but OMG .. videos and such, naturally in moderation and education stuff, is a mommy's LIFESAVER

MC said...

Lol, I could've written this post when my son was Aiden's age. Actually, I've probably mentioned this before, but my son was not too interested in milk either, and he is growing just fine. He can drink up to 350-400 max ml a day. That's it. Some days it is 200 ml a day at the most. He isn't interested in 4 months he was getting interested in watching tv. They like the motions at this age...i too felt bad for letting him there, but realized that I needed my SANITY. hahaha. And don't worry, he'll soon start rolling and loose interest in that before you know it. Also, I started to give him rice cereal at 4 months and it would get him filled up much easier, and it was another way for me to sneak more milk into him. He love the spoon, so I took advantage of that. Good luck and don't ever doubt yourself! You're a great mom and you're doing the best for your little one and there's proof-- he's beautiful, and perfect, and growing great!

Fyrefly said...

Yeah no kidding about the videos. I am getting to the point where I just don't feel guilty anymore ... sometimes I just need a few minutes to BREATHE!
He's just growing so fast he's leaving me behind! First it's puree but soon it'll be normal solids and then eventually he wont be my baby anymore! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA