Thursday, September 8, 2011

21 weeks

I had this post saved just waiting to add some things for his 21 week post but baby ended up not going to sleep till 11 and I had missed my nap so I just collapsed in sleep right after he did!

Thank Goodness the nights have been getting cooler. He still prefers to sleep in our big bed instead of in his room in his crib ... so one of us sleeps in his room and one of us sleeps with him at night.

-I mentioned in his 19 week post how he started grabbing his feet. Now he started eating his feet! It's just oh so cute! Here's a video of him doing it for the first time ... it was at night and he was lying on across my knees so it's kinda gnarly but maybe you'll be able to make it out ...

-I mentioned last week we would start to feed him and so far we've given him pureed (is that how you spell it?) carrot, peach, avocado, and apple and carrot juice. (We have a juicer so we make fruit/veggie juices when we feel up to it ... I water down the juice for the baby WAAAAAY much ... like 70 water and 30 juice)
He loves to eat and its funny because ever since we started feeding him he even started to drink a bit better and now he drinks the proper 700 ml every day (well it's supposed to be 750-900ml ... but don't discourage me now). Hooray!!!!

-He knows when it's time to go out and starts crying trying to tell us to take him outside. He just LOVES the outdoors!

-He started 'talking'. He used to make sounds like 'koi koi koi' (I mentioned this before) but now he just .... screams (for lack of a better word). No consonants or sounds (unless he's particularly 'talky') but he really likes to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah .... if there's no one to talk to he'll just talk to the light above his face. If we are around and we plop ourselves down in front of him we can carry on a mini 'baby' conversation. But he doesn't do it in 'talking' levels ... he does it at a shout/screaming level. It's like he just discovered it and is trying to see how loud he can get his voice to be ... or if he's loud enough that someone will come and pay attention to him.

-He is quite the outgoing baby ... on the bus if he gets the attention of the person in front of him and they give him attention he will be happy. If we meet ppl on the street he generally laughs and smiles for them (girls especially). But there are certain people that no matter how often we meet he just doesn't like ...
He's really starting to be picky about who holds him. If a friend is holding him and he sees both daddy and mommy next to him he will look at us very closely for a few minutes before starting to cry. Almost like he's trying to decide if he likes being held by that particular person ... if they don't pass he yells, and if they pass he is happy with them and stays just fine.

We've gotten so many new clothes in the past couple of weeks (the 6-12 month clothes we ordered for him arrived as well) so I can't wait for him to make another growth jump and fit all his new clothes!

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