Friday, July 22, 2011

14 weeks and vaccinations

Cutie Papoosie is 14 weeks today. And before I say anything more, I want to say a big Congrats to Arielle and Faye for their Sweetie pie! He's so big and cute and I really want to meet him someday! I think right now he looks more like Faye but I know how fast babies can change! Congrats to both of you and the new little one!

Anyway, so its been a mellow week ... he's generally been happy ... spent a lot of time with Papa this week cause Mom had a lot of work to do.
Then yesterday, we took him to get his vaccinations. I had had a rough night with him the night before so I had been sleeping from 5 a.m., and Papa brought the baby to me to nurse at around 7:30, and I found out THEN that they were going to take the baby for vaccinations! They were gonna go without me! I was like ... no way(!) are you taking MY baby to get vaccinated without me! He needs his mama!
So I dragged myself out of bed and dressed and went to the doctor. Papoosie was SUCH a trooper! Let out ONE shrill yell at the beginning, and they quickly scooped him up and passed him to me for comfort, and then he only cried a little on his second shot. It was soooo kawaiisou he was just whimpering on my shoulder ... not yelling like he usually does ... just whimpering and sobbing, and curled up so tight against me (he knows how to hug our neck with his other hand and not let go!) ... awwwwww. Anyway he fell asleep pretty fast after that and spent the whole day pretty much knocked out. We tried to keep the fever below 38 by giving him fever med when the fever started rising again (about every 4 hours). He wanted to be held all day, and would cry if put down. But oh gosh he was a heat sack ... but of course I held him ... it was sooooooo kawaiisou how he just wanted to curl up and hug me and be hugged. Even in his sleep he would whimper ... it was so sad and so cute. Anyway, I stayed up all night with him this way, because I guess he was feeling better, but he still had a 38 pretty much all night, so he would wake up every 30 minutes to be held and rocked ... He didn't drink anything almost all day, but we sort of expected that so we didn't push him too much. Just tried to feed him every couple of hours, and he would take maybe 20-40 ml at a time.
Today he did a bit better. Had a 38 almost all day but was more active and alert than yesterday. His leg doesn't seem to hurt too much anymore either, which is nice.
Oh, and ever since a week or two ago he stopped going poo every day, and would go one HUGE one every 3-4 days. Well, the 5th day just happened to land on today, and he's been a huge poop machine all day ... and this is kind of gross, but the texture of it is like SUPER creamy ... if someone didn't know it was poop, it would look like some super creamy chocolate cream or something. AHAHAHA TMI ...... the point is that also the exertion of trying to get out all this BM has made him extra cranky as well ... so he's been crying and feverish pretty much all day.
Tonight we've decided to give him sleep med so he will sleep better tonight.

I mentioned in his week 12 update how he has this board of black and white images that he just LOVES ... here's a picture of it.

2 reactions:

Anonymous said...

Kawaisou! It's so kawaiisou when you inflict pain on a baby thats a bit older. I think when they are really new born it doesn't really affect them since everything is all new and they're a bit groggy... but that's just kawaiisou. hahahaha!
My sister wants to pierce both my babies ears and I told her I was so scared that i wouldn't be in the same room while she was piercing his ears cuz I wouldn't be able to handle it... and I'd probably feel so bad when he cries. lol

Fyrefly said...

Merce you're going to pierce his ears even tho it's a boy?
As long as you do it with one of those piercing guns it'll be over in one shot so he probably won't cry TOO much ... but you're gonna have to rush in there to comfort him ...