Friday, July 8, 2011

12 weeks

I'm so excited! Papoosie is 12 weeks today! (Well, I started writing this yesterday but couldn't finish it so I guess that makes it yesterday!)

Another week, and he continues to just grow and grow!
-Feeding schedule changed again ... and I'm still trying to adjust. One thing that's a con for bottle-feeding him is I can't just pull out the boob when I think he's hungry so he can feed. The bottle has to be warmed, and then if he doesn't want it, I either have to put it back in the fridge or hope he gets hungry within an hour or so or that bottle goes bye-bye to gomi-land. I would stress a lot about this but THANK GOD I have tons of milk (more than enough to spare if the bottle goes to waste) so its just a minor inconvenience and not a huge source of stress. I have started freezing the extra milk this week though. Not because I'm worried that I will run out, but because I had a dream that I had to go back to Japan for an emergency and there was an option of leaving the baby with papa for a few days because I had filled the freezer with pumped milk. I know its a stupid reason but I also don't like throwing the milk away ... of course unless something bad happens to me we probably wont use the frozen milk anyway and end up throwing it away ... but I'm trying not to think about that right now.
Strange thing I've noticed this week is he prefers my boob to the bottle. Which is nice and all ... but inconvenient if I happened to have pumped right before his drinking time. A few times I find myself using the boob to 'trick' him into drinking. I give him the boob and right before he really latches and starts suckling I quickly replace the nipple with the bottle and hope he doesn't notice! If he's hungry enough it works the first time ... cause once he starts drinking all is well ... but when he's super particular and fussy sometimes I have to let him suck on the boob for a couple minutes just so he's ... comforted? I don't know what his deal is. But he DEFINITELY falls asleep better if I nurse him at night to put him to bed.
-Sleeping schedule has stayed pretty stable. Which is so nice. He's starting to wake up only once or twice at night only to drink. Which is soooooooooooooooo nice. This past week I didn't even have to change his diaper at night because he only poops during the day! So even less cause for waking up for him! It's been a real real ... relief!
-Less tummy aches. He's doing so well and this week we haven't really given him the gas drops! Hoorah! He's only cried once or twice this week from tummy problems.
-Active. By god this boy is such a .... BOY! He CANNOT stop moving. And he's STRONG too. I can hold him up and let him kick off the ground ... and he can stay standing that way for quite awhile! He loves going from a squat kicking up into a straight standing position ... just like a frog! I am hoping his head stabilizes soon so we can stick him in the jumper saucer and he can get his kick on.
-Interactive. Getting so much more ... alert. Loves his playtime with me. I'm teaching him to roll (I don't care if you say it's too soon ... he loves it), sit (surrounding him with pillows and putting him in a sitting position and letting him fall whichever way he likes), and push things. He can pull his pacifier out of his mouth by grabbing the pacifier strap, and pretty much anything near his head he will grab (gotta replace my earrings with studs now!). His favorite toy is the big board covered with black and white images. I stand in front of him with it and he just stares and stares.

Those bags under my eyes have darkened and WONT GO AWAY! I always used to have bags but now they're BLACK! WAAAAAAAAAAa anyways just something I noticed recently in all the pictures. So now I always have to PS them off before I sent/post them anywhere.

So that was his 12th week and in just 1 week he'll be 3 months old!
I hope you haven't started to get bored of him cause there's no way I'm gonna stop posting pictures and writing about him. I don't have time to write in my journal anymore, so one day these words will be all I have of how he was when he was a wittle bitty thing.

Anyway ... as always ... a picture.

1 reactions:

Jesse said...

He looks great Jewel! You also look like a SUPER mom.