Friday, June 10, 2011

8 weeks old (pssst ... it's long ... feel free to skip!)

My baby is 8 weeks old today! And I've been meaning to blog for for his 6 weeks but that turned into his 7 weeks and that turned into this. It's what happens when between taking care of the baby, working, taking time with hubby, and hubby stealing computer, all my time gets eaten up. It's to be expected, I guess. But I also want some place where I have documented his growth (not just his baby book, because that only has the BIGGEST milestones included). And I have my journal where I wrote out stuff about my pregnancy, but nowadays as time is so much of the essence, I have decided its better to put it here because I type so much faster than I write. Although someday I hope to get around to writing it down too. No matter how convenient and nice and snazzy it is to blog and use the computer I will always love myself a good book, and writing in one. I'm just a little bit old fashioned that way. Anyway, I digress ... focus focus.

So, Papoosie is 8 weeks old today! And he will be 2 months old in 5 days! Although it seems a little pointless, I will probably blog on his 2 month again just to have a post on that day. (Ahem ... obsessive much?)

Between around 6 and 7 weeks I started trying to feed him exclusively from the boob (I had been pumping and giving him milk from the bottle not only because his mouth was too small to latch onto the boob properly, but so that we could monitor how much milk he was taking in). Due to that transition he started wanting to nurse every hour, and would only drink for 10-15 minutes. For a few days I worried, but I went onto my pregnancy forums and it seems like between catching him right on a growth spurt, and him getting too comfy at the boob and falling asleep, it was just bad timing. The main things I continued to watch was his diapers (which he continued to wet and soil properly), and the emptiness of the boob. And they seemed to be fine so I tried to continue. BUUUUUT ....

... At around 7 weeks when I was transitioning with him between the bottle and boob, he suddenly developed colic. Just from one day to the next he went from being a baby who hardly cried, to a screaming wailing monster! Well, even when he was screaming I wouldn't say he was a monster because he just looked and sounded like he was in so much pain, I could only feel sorry for him! Feeding him became even crazier because he would stay for 5 minutes, then wail till calmed, then stay for 5 minutes and wail again. I thought maybe it could be the acid reflux thingie (Gastroesophageal reflux) because they say babies who have that drink less in more frequent sittings to avoid the acid coming out. Even though he cries a lot I still consider us lucky compared to other cases I know because he screams and wails but never for more than 2 hours and actually it's usually only for 30 minutes or so before he tires himself out. We have our arsenal of remedies stocked: gas drops which also include mylicon which is supposed to encourage the growth or probodies in case it's that he needs (to help him digest the milk better), Gripe water for when he is having trouble burping and his acid reflux is bothering him, 3 different types of herbal tea (which we don't like giving him, but sometimes grandma sneaks it while we aren't watching), warm pads for his stomach to relieve the pain, and though it's not a remedy he also takes a vitamin 2 times a day. So all of this stuff adds up and we try not to give them all to him at the same time, because we don't know how all of these things mix. For example we try not to give him gas drop if we gave him the vitamin at that feeding, etc etc. Sometimes the remedies work, and sometimes they don't .... so as far as they go, when they work we are thankful, and even when they don't I guess we have the need to feel like we did everything we could to relieve his pain. But even though the success ratio is like 60-70%, I would recommend getting them cause when they work they work. Wow that really made a lot of sense.

Anyway, besides the medicines we've also tried anything we could. Music/white noise/nature sounds/heartbeat while he sleeps, changing sleeping position, bath time, etc etc etc. So far he seems to like the brook sound mixed with the heartbeat at a level LOUD enough to fill the room and have to speak loudly to be heard above it. It's getting hot here so he likes his bath time and staying in the water very much, until we take him out and try to dress him and then he starts screaming. He LOVES being taken outside so much that it's almost at the point where he will literally start crying as soon as we bring him home. He refuses to sleep on his back and will wake up after only 5 minutes or so unless we put him on his stomach. Which is a little frightening for me because they say that SIDS is more likely if they are put on their stomach. So we watch very carefully to make sure his head is positioned well, and quickly move his head if he faces straight. It's a little bit of a dilemma because we have started sleeping him in his crib in his own room since a couple days ago because it is so so so so hot and if he is in the room we don't open both the window and door cause it will let the wind blow through. Fine for the baby because he is fine with either just the window or the door being open but I still have layers of pregnancy fat to deal with and I get so so so so hot and it's too uncomfortable. During the day we check often and are able to watch him closely, but at night we have to sleep so we can't just get up every second just to check on him. We're going to buy a baby monitor that also has video so that every time we hear him move we can just peek real quick to see how he is positioned. We hadn't bought one before because I was planning on having baby sleep with us in the room until at least 6 months when hopefully I can bring his nighttime feeding to just once. So we'll have to buy a monitor. I'm sure I'm just being freaked for no reason because he is strong enough now to move his head on his own from side to side while on his stomach, so I'm sure that if he is unable to breath he will move his head on his own. It's not like he will be too intent on sleeping that he will forget to breathe, right? :D

I used to take care of babies so much but I don't remember about how we placed them to sleep! Parents, how have you let your baby sleep? Any opinions on letting the baby sleep on his tummy?

When we went for a quick checkup to the pediatrician a few days ago he weighed 4,500 grams with his clothes and nappy so they logged him at 4 kg.

Good news is that between his crying and fussy stages he is much more alert than a couple weeks ago, seems to know mommy and daddy more, tries to grab things (esp fingers and clothes!), 'talks' more, likes his song time, .... he's just growing and getting cuter every day~! His hair is getting lighter and is now a light brown/reddish/blond. He's losing everything that was like momma and getting to be so much like papa. I would be sad except I think it's cuter this way! :D:D

I know this is getting so long but please bear with me for one more topic.

Papoosie has an umbilical hernia. Seems they are more common in preemie babies. His is HUGE, and all the forums and books say that most of the time they start going in naturally around 6-12 months, but it doesn't stop me from still asking around to the parents here, or to you. Did your kids have the belly button sticking out, and around when did they start going back in? Did you have a problem with the skin getting red? The books say it's bad to put anything on it to push it in (i.e: belly belt, bandage, etc) but our pediatrician and grandma keep telling us to put something on it. I would prefer to leave it alone but would appreciate your opinions and experiences regarding this. I think I just need to hear your story so I can be reassured.

Anyway, thank you for slogging through all of this with me. I really would appreciate any feedback you might have especially regarding the things above. The crying/colic/tummy aches, sleeping position, and belly button.


4 reactions:

Anonymous said...

So cute. I love reading your updates. :-) I hope his little belly button goes back in. My mum said my belly button was sticking out a lot till I grew older.
Lots of love to you and your family. xxx

Seiko Hashimoto said...

our parents always put us on our tummy's, we are all still alive, no SIDS ... but still .. best not to risk it i say.
I placed both kids on their backs, although since Riley started rolling later then Sam, her head is a bit flat from laying around all the time. Mom told me i should have put a pillow next to her back, and let her sleep on her side, give her flat head a break.
Gambare Jewel! You sound like you are doing a good job!

Seiko Hashimoto said...

chances are he's not sucking on the boob properly, since he got use to a bottle ... hows your nipples? If he is feeding right they say you shouldn't feel any pain while breast feeding... or little discomfort only ..

Fyrefly said...

Thanks Merce!
SSeiko he does fine with both. Some days he refuses the bottle and only takes the boob and other days he'll only take the bottle ... do you breastfeed Riley?