Wednesday, June 15, 2011

2 months old

My Papoosie is 2 months old today~!
And I just talked about his progress a few days ago so there isn't too much to say except that he's really growing!
The grandparents joke that he only has two 'modes' ... sleep mode and cry mode. Course it isn't true but it just seems that way because the time he spends awake and happy is quite short compared to the time he spends awake and crying.
He really is my sweet baby though. When I carry him he grabs the sleeves of my dress like he's afraid he's going to fall off, and he likes staring at himself in the mirror. (he's gonna be a vain one!)
His hair has gone from black to blond/red and it really is the cutest thing.
Ever since this colic business started Ardit has started taking him out at 6 or 7 in the morning to the lake. It works well this way because it's still cool, Papoosie gets his fresh air and outside time, and Ardit can spend time with the baby (he's gone during the day a lot recently). If I'm not too tired I will go with them, but if I wasn't able to get sleep during the night I am able to get a couple of hours then so it's really a good arrangement. Then I will take him out again around 5 or 6 in the evening as it starts getting cooler, and when we get back we bathe him and try to put him down for the night. He really doesn't stay down for the night, but they say that it's good to start putting him in the habit of doing it so that he gets used to going down at a certain time, and doesn't stay up into strange hours of the night. I hope soon his colic is gone and we can start putting him on a good schedule. Even his eating schedule is screwed up now so I'm really looking forward to everything settling down into a good rhythm. How long did it take you and your baby to have a good schedule?
These past few days I came down with a nasty cold. Thankfully it only got really bad during the night when Ardit and mother-in-law were here and not during the day when I was alone at the house. So at night I could hardly even move and get up from the bed so Ardit and his mom took the baby for me and only brought him to me to nurse. They were such troopers ... I heard the baby crying a lot one of the nights so I felt so bad but I hardly had enough strength for myself so I just stayed in bed praying the baby would go down soon. And I was just hoping and praying so hard that baby wouldn't catch the cold either! This morning I felt so much better and so far the baby seems to be doing well against my nasty cold germs ... fingers are crossed.
Anyway, they say colic goes away at around 3 months so I'm counting down the days cause it just breaks my heart to see him in so much pain and so miserable. He really is the most pathetic thing when he is too tired to scream anymore but something still hurts so he is whimpering and the little tears fill up his eyes. It's just so sad and makes you wanna cry.
Anyway, I am so happy that my baby is growing up big and chubby. Besides his colic, he is gaining weight and growing fast, and when he is happy he is such a joy.
Here are some pictures I took of him on the 11th. I know I say it too much but he really is the cutest thing! And in these pictures you really can see how much his hair color has changed.

4 reactions:

lil said...

hey - lilia here..a fellow baby crazy mommy :D. Your boy is adorable! I love how he's getting redish hair. For colic I found that cyclying the legs an hour or so after eating helps with the gassiness, also daily warm baths to relax the muscles!

Also to make sure to burp about 20 mins? after feeding. I found amelie started settling down after 2 mos old, also with the burping she settled down fast. All the best!

Fyrefly said...

Hey Lilia! I think I saw pics of your baby on Meg's blog! She's so cute!
Thanks for the tips! I basically try everything to try to make him feel better ... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Hoping it really does go away after 3 months.

Pirates' Mama said...

hey mamma,
sorry to hear he's colicky. L was too, for the first 3 months. Whenever we were at the doc he was a great baby, and she couldn't really 'charge him with colic" but I think that's what it was. He would scream his head off from 6pm - 12 am most days and only rocking him up and down or going up and down the stairs would help....sometimes. I know what you're going through.
I found out that in some cases gripe water helped him. I can send you a bottle if you can't find any in Albania. He would gulp that thing down. Warm compresses too - as they say their organs are developing and their tummy hurts real bad. L loved to stay cuddled in with us during the night - but he was born in the winter, so it might be different with Aiden now in the summer.
I wish you well. Whenever I'm overwhelmed I watch this video
I repeat to myself the phrase 'this too shalt pass' They grow soooo quickly, and somehow you forget all the bad days. Give Aiden a kiss from me.

Fyrefly said...

Thanks for the comment Pirates' Mama!
Just a question, do I know you?
Anyway, we have gripe water and we've tried it a couple of times ... right now we're trying Mylicon and we've ordered this thing called Baby Dophilus ... we'll see how they sit with the baby.
Thanks for the video! I know what you mean. Even when Aiden keeps me up all night and I'm exhausted the next morning. ... he'll turn and for a moment just stare and smile at me and my tiredness just fades away. I love him too much!