Saturday, June 25, 2011

10 weeks

So yesterday he passed his 10 weeks.

And yes, he still cries. (screams, is more like it). But the past couple of nights, he has been sleeping SO GOOD! (So good = only waking up on schedule to drink and go straight back to sleep) It's really made a difference in how I am able to take care of him during the day and I am just so thankful.
This week I had work, so it was a little stressful because daddy and grandma had to take care of him a lot, and Papoosie just wouldn't stop crying until he came back to me. I guess it's nice for me that he can tell who mama is, but between his crying just to be held by me and his stomach screams, poor dad and grandma got so stressed and tired.
This week he started crying just to be with me. No stomach aches, just crying to get back to mom. Once I held him again he would stop crying and calm down. So it took me a day or two to pick up on the new cry. So far I can tell the difference between his:
-hungry cry
-tired cry
-stomach ache cry
-bored/mommy/random cry
Of course I don't always get it 100% right ... but generally if I listen closely I can tell what's what.

He's been practicing his grabbing a lot. Before he used to just close his fist around something and be unable to open his hand again. He used to grab the hair at the back of his head and because his arm would be moving involuntarily, he would be pulling his own hair, and I guess it was painful for him cause he would start crying. And I know it's a little mean, but the whole circumstance of it was so cute and funny to me I couldn't help but laugh a little before coming to my sweetie's rescue. Nowadays he grabs his hair, but he is able to open his hand when he starts to pull his own hair. He opens and closes his hands and grabs things around him: his pacifier holder string, my bra strap (when he's nursing), etc etc ... whatever's around and grabbable he will get. I'm gonna have to watch out when he starts connecting the bringing things to his mouth business.

Today for the first time I tried to 'ferberize' him. I put that in quotation marks because it really isn't ferberizing ... its just getting him used to being put to bed without being rocked. Cause it was brought to my attention that maybe he's getting used to being held all the time (because of his colic) that now he doesn't sleep on his own. So I wanted to start to get him used to being put to sleep without being held cause God knows once he gets to be around 6 months he'll be so heavy I'm gonna have a hard time carrying him around all the time like I do now. So I put him on the bed, stomach first like he usually sleeps, and when he cried to much I changed him onto his back till he calmed down. I kept doing this for around an hour and a half ... he cried, I changed his position; he cried, I changed his position again. Finally it was too stressful for grandma so she wanted to pick him up but then he started freaking out to come be with me. So as soon as I took him and walked him to his room, he fell asleep and I put him back down in his crib. So I would say today was a success! I was only able to do it cause I was absolutely sure that he wasn't crying because his tummy hurt. Cause when his tummy hurts I have to hold him cause there isn't anything else I can do to help his pain but comfort him.
Anyway, I will continue to try to get him used to falling asleep on his own/in his crib and will update when progress is made.
Also out of the blue he started getting cradle cap. Ardit was so certain our baby wouldn't get it ... but as far as I remember, every single baby I've taken care of has had it ... so I wasn't too optimistic. Sure enough ... here it is! It's only a block on the front of his head ... hopefully it'll only be that area and not his whole head.

So another week has gone by and my Papoosie is happy (when not colicky), healthy, growing, and as cute as ever.

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