Friday, November 11, 2011

30 weeks

So I'm posting my weekly update today and not mommy.
Mommy's been sick a lot these days. She said that there's a little baby growing inside of her. I don't really understand what that means but I can tell that mommy is suffering, so I have been trying to be a really good boy these days.
Of course I get bored and cry sometimes but daddy says I need to take care of mommy so I'm really trying.
I'm getting really big and all the extra layers of clothes I wear every day make me look even bigger! I'm gonna be 7 months in a few days! I'm sure mommy will be able to post something for that.

Mommy told me today that it was lucky that I am turning 30 weeks on 11.11.11. I don't understand what that means either but she sang to me with the guitar so that was nice. I sat still and listened for a whole 15 minutes! Mommy says that she's going to sing to me and Little Boss a whole lot more especially since Christmas is coming up.

I have been a little sick this week with a runny nose and cough and there is a time in the afternoon where I have to just let out all the cries that I was holding back all day ... but once that time is passed and my cries are all out I go back to being as happy as can be playing with my toys.
I feel my teeth coming in and it hurts but they still haven't popped out so mommy is really looking forward to when she will be able to see them.
I miss going outside if daddy isn't home during the day to take me out. Mommy says it makes her tummy hurt to carry me ... she says I'm getting to be so big and heavy!
I try to send messages to Little Boss by kicking mommy's tummy but mommy doesn't like that so much so maybe I will learn to sing with mommy so Little Boss can hear my voice too.

Here's a picture mommy took today of me watching a video. My favorite video right now is a video about colors ... and my favorite parts are when the puppets come out.

1 reactions:

MC said...

hi cutie pie! You are growing tooo fast and already know how to type huh? xoxo cousin L & mamma (this message was typed by mamma...cousin L only knows how to do this: lkjwoiueaOval9 haha.