Thursday, May 24, 2012

LB is 1 week old!

Well ... so on Tuesday LB turned 1 week! Woohooo ... and he's still alive! Hahaha ... so much has changed since we had Papoosie. I remember with Papoosie it was a constant checking to see if he was breathing, positioned right, covered enough, etc etc ... now I'm comfortable enough to know that if he's wrapped up fine, he will be ok unless he's really screaming. A little moving about doesn't make us jump, and we can tell the difference between the tummy ache cries and notice the signs of his being hungry right away. I'm so much more comfortable with this little one than I was with Papoosie which makes for so much less anxiety and worrying about every little thing. It's made things so much easier and I've been able to have a lot more fun with him as a result.
So far LB is quite a happy and well-behaved baby. He's still in the 'sleep all day' stage so he only has about 1 hour of awake time in the morning, and 1 in the afternoon. He rarely cries (he'll give one or two sharp screams for a tummy ache, but it won't go on for minutes or --God forbid--hours). I'm really hoping he doesn't get cholic and gas pains like Papoosie did. With Papoosie it started around 1 month so I guess we'll just have to see. That was a hard time when Papoosie just WOULDN'T STOP CRYING ... and it lasted till he was like 6 months old so I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that LB will be spared.
I got my stitches taken out yesterday but a TERRIBLE rash has popped up on all the places where I had surgical tape stuck on me ... my back (where they gave me the anesthetic), my wrist (IV drip), and the cut (that strip is the WORST). It's REAL REAL puffy and itchy and ... who heard of an allergy to surgical tape anyway? And why would it come out a WEEK afterwards? Oh well ... hopefully in a couple days it'll go away.
I still spend most of the day lying down (not so much sleeping anymore though) because I still have pain in my right side, and if I'm standing for too long I will start getting dizzy, but I feel real good and very much on the mend.
I'm going to be doing Papoosie's 13 month update after this too ... so I'll finish here with some pics!

In pictures newborn Aiden and newborn Brandon are very much alike! Here's Brandon:

And here's Papoosie:

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