Friday, October 21, 2011

27 weeks

So I forgot to post his measurements last week ... so here they are:

Height: 65.5 cm
Weight: 6.6 kg
Head circumference: 41 cm

So his height is average, but his weight and head circumference as small for his age.

But we aren't too worried ... just taking note of the fact that he is a little small for his age.

This week the sickness has hit in full force, and I spent very little time with the son and lots of time lying down ... I tried moving around but somehow it gets worse when I move ... I went out a couple of times for walks but since the sickness has gotten really heavy I have been at home for 5 whole days now ...

One thing I have noticed is that he seems to have 'forgotten' how to do things. He still reaches for toys and is quite deft with his fingers, and likes sitting more than lying down... but now he refuses to roll over (both from his back and from his stomach) ... preferring to just have the toys brought to him ... even when I refuse to help him out, he rolls halfway just enough to grab the toys when straightens back onto the original position. He is either really lazy or he really has forgotten how to do these things ... which I think is kind of strange.

I fed him too much cereal a couple weeks ago and it resulted in constipation, and unfortunately we had to give him laxatives a couple of times. Poor baby. So I stopped giving him cereal and switched to making fruit and veggie purees ... focusing for the time being on foods which are supposed stool softeners like pear/prune/peach, spinach, carrot ... etc. He still likes all of these purees just fine and is eating well.

Milk continues to diminish ... he is now drinking anywhere from 200-400 ml of formula daily and only 3 of his 5 bottles daily are breast milk. When will the milk come back! It's so frustrating pumping only 90 ml at a time where I used to get around 200 in one shot. WAAAAAAAAAAAA

I don't have such presence of mind these days because of the sickness ... and god only knows it's going to get worse before it gets better ... but thankfully my darling boy seems to be doing okay, and still happy and growing. I'm so thankful to Daddy and Grandma for taking the baby so much when I just cant muster up the strength.

2 reactions:

Seiko Hashimoto said...

i never measured how much Sam drank when i was PG with Riley. But it ended up i was just feeding her in the mornings and before bed. Around 7 months old i'd try to feed her in the day (i never pumped) she'd get so mad cuz nothing came out. So we moved on to formula in the days.
I've been told you can breast feed while pregnant and thats all, but you have to EAT and DRINK TONS! And if you are feeling sick and can't do that don't feel guilty if you can't feed baby so much. They say its really the most beneficial to breast feed until 6 months old. So once Sam turned 7 months she was on only formula and foods.

Fyrefly said...

Yeah Seiko I've basically stopped pumping milk ... sickness got so bad that I am even worried about the little baby getting enough food! So the baby is on just formula now ... but damn formula is so darn expensive!!!!