Friday, September 30, 2011

24 weeks

Another week and it seems like he's grown so much!

-I've noticed he plays with and is interested in toys so much more. I spread his toys (which he only has a few of ... we haven't been so faithful to buy him toys) around him and he looks around and picks out the one he wants and grabs it ... of course everything goes into his mouth, and he still can't really control his arms too well so a lot of times the toys end up half way across the room but now if I dangle them above his head, or put them in front of him he will reach for them and grab them.

-Foodies are going good. He drinks 60-100 ml of carrot/apple juice everyday, and in between feedings I will feed him puree, or banana ... so the color and SMELL of his poo has really changed and oh meeeeee gosssssshhhhhhh I'm telling you my mother friendlies ... enjoy the infant exclusive breastfeeding poo while you can hehehehehe. The food seems to be doing him well ... he has started drinking more milk again even on top of all the extra food I am putting into him ... so the food really seemed to be the key for him ... which is awesome. Some days he drinks so much my boobs cant keep up and I have to take some out of the freezer! This makes me very happy!

-He can sit ... sort of. He sits well on the bed with one of us behind him just to make sure he doesn't kick his feet all of a sudden and land with his head arched back. He sits the best when I put the cube toy in front of him to let him play with. He keeps his balance well and very soon he will be sitting all on his ownsome.

-Changing schedules (winter time). The weather has changed! And I am oh so happy for it! But now I am trying to change his schedule so that we go out earlier in the day and come back by 8 or 9 in time to give him a bath so he goes to sleep after it. So far its a little rocky, but I'm sure it'll work out ....

Goodness but now that this summer heat is over I am just so much more happy. Baby is happy to spend more time outside, and the days are just so much easier to pass ... WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank you A. Abi!!!

I like my overalls SO much! I have to grow a bit more for the shirt to fit too, but for now I will just enjoy the bottoms! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

August 7th

August 6th

August 1st

To A. Regla

Hi A. Regla. Me thinks you are one of my prettiest aunties, and I can't wait to see you again. Since I am too small to call you (or am I?) you have to come see me again! Okie?
Thank you for my gifts! As you can see it is still a little big but it just means that I will be able to wear it all winter! It's warm and fuzzy and its the perfect pajama for this cool weather! Next time I see you maybe I will be fitting it better! 
I am waiting to see you again,
Papoosie Aiden

A smile just for you ... 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

23 weeks

My Papoosie got his 3rd vaccinations on Wednesday. Instead of getting two shots (one on each leg) like the recommended dose is, we asked them only to give him one shot, so we'll be going for the next one next week.

He was real brave and hardly cried (didn't scream in shock like last time). I had my face up real close to his and was holding his hands and when he got the shot he looked at me all shocked like and made a pitiful face and started crying a little, but as soon as I picked him up he rested his head on my shoulder and stopped crying.

He cried more during the day than normal, and his leg obviously pained him, but we put compresses on it, and just massaged it a little. It seemed to be doing better by 4 or 5 in the afternoon. He slept straight through until then ... refused to be put down, so between grandma, daddy and mommy he spent around 5 or 6 hours sleeping in our arms.
Fever stayed below 37.5 so we didn't even have to give him fever med.

On his second day he was just plain fussy, refused to let me put him down even for a second even when he was sleeping .... I must have changed his clothes at least 4 or 5 times because he would spill milk, throw up, poop, and everything! I was even out for a walk with him when most of this happened so it really was a trying day for me.

He now has a cold so even though most of the vaccination symptoms have gone, they have been replaced by a cough and runny nose and he is still plain clingy and fussy.

We have another vaccination as soon as his cold goes away (which I'm not looking forward to at all). Basically he will be down with some sort of sickness/unwellness for 2 weeks straight ... my poor baby.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

5 months, 22 weeks

My cutie is growing up so fast! His measurements are:
Height: 64 cm
Weight: 6.1 kg
(He's grown 17 cm since he was born. YOU try growing 17 cm in 5 months! hehehe)

Again he's only gained 350 grams since last month. He gained 300 grams last month, and this month he's gained 350 grams. The doctor told us not to worry though ... because he's OBVIOUSLY growing ... just not fatter! It's also been deathly hot and it's really been affecting his appetite. He is healthy, and growing, and developing and active so there's nothing to worry about. He was just not destined to be a FAT-so baby.

This week we have continued to feed him ... in between his drinking times we feed him, and this week the doctor recommended making vegetable juice and giving it to him, and not limiting his juice to just fruit juices.

He's learning how to push himself off of different objects. Like if he is having tummy time on his play mat he will grab the edges to pull himself toward whatever it is he wants to play with. If he's on his back he can arch his back to scoot himself backward. Small progress, but he's slowly slowly learning how to get towards what he wants.
Still no interest in rolling onto his back from his tummy time position ... he CAN but he ... just doesn't care for it I guess.

Still sleeping with either mommy or daddy on the big bed ... effectively kicking either mommy or daddy out and sending one of them to his room to sleep on the floor there. I'm going to try to put him back in his room but on these HOT HOT HOT nights it just doesn't seem like the best idea.

Refuses to fall asleep with mommy during the day. It breaks my heart. WAAAAAAAAAA He SCREAMS and kicks and flails trying to get away from me and then daddy comes to 'save' him and within a minute he's silent and sleeping. I think it's because I have been spending very little time with him because of my work, so he's really bonded with daddy who has been taking care of him every day. He's also too long to fit comfortably (as comfortably as he can with daddy) in my arms ... I guess ... daddy just has so much more space for him ... as soon as this big project winds up I am going to spend TONS of quality time with my poor estranged son to get him back to being a 'mommy's boy' ... or as close to it as I possibly can.

His pants finally fit him! YAY! I had so many T-shirts that were so cute and were going to start getting small for him but all of his pants were still too big! But now they FITTTT! And I am sooooo happy!

Picture time! I took these today! (not the one with all the clothes) Thank you A. Sara for the clothes! They really compliment his boyishness!!!

New clothes from A.Sara and U.Cesko

He doesn't understand why both hands don't fit into his mouth

YAY! I'm 5 months old today!!!

I tell him to smile and he give me this ...

So active and happy

Doing jumping jacks lying down.


Wednesday, September 14, 2011


I'm just too behind on posting all of his pictures. So I've decided to do the lazy thing and only post the important days ... like the day he went to the beach, etc. Until I have caught up.

Cause darn I JUST don't have the time! Once I finish this big project at work I will probably have time to post but until then ...
No one's gonna miss them cause God knows I post WAY tons of pictures of him as it is. :D
It just feels like a loss to me ... cause basically I have chronicled his whole life here (almost every day!) and now a chunk of it is going to be missing! WAAAAAA
But oh well.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy

Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you very much and hope you had a very fun day!
We hope you like your present.

Much love,
Mommy, and Papoosie

Thursday, September 8, 2011

21 weeks

I had this post saved just waiting to add some things for his 21 week post but baby ended up not going to sleep till 11 and I had missed my nap so I just collapsed in sleep right after he did!

Thank Goodness the nights have been getting cooler. He still prefers to sleep in our big bed instead of in his room in his crib ... so one of us sleeps in his room and one of us sleeps with him at night.

-I mentioned in his 19 week post how he started grabbing his feet. Now he started eating his feet! It's just oh so cute! Here's a video of him doing it for the first time ... it was at night and he was lying on across my knees so it's kinda gnarly but maybe you'll be able to make it out ...

-I mentioned last week we would start to feed him and so far we've given him pureed (is that how you spell it?) carrot, peach, avocado, and apple and carrot juice. (We have a juicer so we make fruit/veggie juices when we feel up to it ... I water down the juice for the baby WAAAAAY much ... like 70 water and 30 juice)
He loves to eat and its funny because ever since we started feeding him he even started to drink a bit better and now he drinks the proper 700 ml every day (well it's supposed to be 750-900ml ... but don't discourage me now). Hooray!!!!

-He knows when it's time to go out and starts crying trying to tell us to take him outside. He just LOVES the outdoors!

-He started 'talking'. He used to make sounds like 'koi koi koi' (I mentioned this before) but now he just .... screams (for lack of a better word). No consonants or sounds (unless he's particularly 'talky') but he really likes to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah .... if there's no one to talk to he'll just talk to the light above his face. If we are around and we plop ourselves down in front of him we can carry on a mini 'baby' conversation. But he doesn't do it in 'talking' levels ... he does it at a shout/screaming level. It's like he just discovered it and is trying to see how loud he can get his voice to be ... or if he's loud enough that someone will come and pay attention to him.

-He is quite the outgoing baby ... on the bus if he gets the attention of the person in front of him and they give him attention he will be happy. If we meet ppl on the street he generally laughs and smiles for them (girls especially). But there are certain people that no matter how often we meet he just doesn't like ...
He's really starting to be picky about who holds him. If a friend is holding him and he sees both daddy and mommy next to him he will look at us very closely for a few minutes before starting to cry. Almost like he's trying to decide if he likes being held by that particular person ... if they don't pass he yells, and if they pass he is happy with them and stays just fine.

We've gotten so many new clothes in the past couple of weeks (the 6-12 month clothes we ordered for him arrived as well) so I can't wait for him to make another growth jump and fit all his new clothes!

July 31st visiting Godparents

On the 31st I went to go visit my godparents! We ate, drank, were merry, and played WII!!!
Mom said there were too many pictures so y'all are just going to have to go see the slideshow. 
I had a very fun day.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

July 27th


July 24th

More videos!!! Here I am laughing with Papa!

And here I am singing a Japanese song with Mama!

And here are some pictures ... Mama says I make the strangest faces ... but that I'm so cute I can get away with pulling my face whatever way I like!

July 23rd Laughing

WATCH me laughing! Mama says sorry the video is upside down ... she was more interested in laughing with me than making sure the video was facing the right way ....

July 22nd

Here I am doing school with Daddy! I am such a good student! I do my reading exercises everyday!

Getting a little tired ...

 The focus!

Again with the hair! Mama felt left out from the last time Grandpa and daddy put my hair through the styles so she had some fun of her own ... 

You can obviously tell what I think of THIS hairstyle ... 

Friday, September 2, 2011

20 weeks

Gosh this week went REAL fast.

It's still been oh so hot that his night time schedule is SCREWED UP! Messed up I tell you! And I'm SUFFERING! He wakes up and just CANT get comfy enough to sleep again. We bring him to our bed where there is more air circulation (we have two fans going at opposite ends of the room)and he sleeps better but gosh darn I am OH SO TIRED. It's also because every spare minute I have I'm working to meet this crazy deadline to make money so we can get a CAR! (or something ...)

Still no drinking. Well, some days he does better .... but the days where he drinks the recommended 750 ml (that is the minimum btw) are more the exception. I'm actually not TOO worried cause he's healthy, happy, seems to be growing bigger and heavier, wets his diapers (although he doesn't go BM very often ... maybe only once a day). Its just a little stressful cause its a FIGHT to get any amount of milk into him and it causes more crying than if I were to leave him alone and wait for him to get hungry on his own.

We took him to the beach/pool for the first time and it was so fun (for me) ... but I'm so behind on my posting and I want to do everything in order ... so ur just gonna have to WAIT!
I've also taken oh so many pictures and videos but they also are shelved waiting for me to catch up with the posting. Fingers crossed ....

He's not too interested in rolling from his tummy time position ... but he loves grabbing his feet when he's on his back and letting his legs fall to one side. And that turns into a roll. He also kicks his feet and arches his back to roll from on his back position. He uses that motion to scoot along his mat or the bed ... he can actually MOVE himself now! No more leaving him on the couch or bed while I wash the bottles or fold his clothes ....

He LOVES videos! I have only been showing him his Little Reader lessons (5 minutes a day), and Baby Einstein videos (10-20 min), and he seemed to like it. But this week we noticed that whenever he is in the living room, or out in a restaurant somewhere where the TV is on ... his eyes just go to the TV and STAY there! Even if he's lying on his back and the TV is behind him he will arch his back so he can see it! We experimented with different TV programs, the ipod, ... he loves his videos! I was so determined that I wouldn't show my baby meaningless 'time-filler' type videos but gosh darn sometimes I gotta wash the dishes, or go bathroom, or clean and I NEED that 5, 10, or 15 minutes to do something .... what's a mom to do? I feel terrible that I'm going to end up letting him watch videos but I am STILL determined to make them as quality as possible. Now I just gotta figure out what constitutes 'quality'.

We bought him a dish set so we can start giving him a little food. I was determined to only give him breastmilk until he was 6 months, but with his drinking problem, and seeing how much he seems to like eating (I mentioned this before somewhere) ... we decided we would try to start giving him some foods SLOWLY (and by slowly I mean a couple spoons of something a DAY).

Gosh so many things I had my mind made up about going into having my baby, but so many things have already been shattered. It just goes to show its really up to the baby, the circumstances ... my baby is ONE STUBBORN child and is really forging his own way! The eating, the videos, the sleeping ... GOSH! And I am learning that I have to take the things that I wanted and adapt them to what works best and IS the best for my child. Not the easiest thing to do ... cause wouldn't it just be so nice if it worked out the way I 'planned' from the beginning. But I will learn ... cause God help my child if I don't.