Thursday, September 15, 2011

5 months, 22 weeks

My cutie is growing up so fast! His measurements are:
Height: 64 cm
Weight: 6.1 kg
(He's grown 17 cm since he was born. YOU try growing 17 cm in 5 months! hehehe)

Again he's only gained 350 grams since last month. He gained 300 grams last month, and this month he's gained 350 grams. The doctor told us not to worry though ... because he's OBVIOUSLY growing ... just not fatter! It's also been deathly hot and it's really been affecting his appetite. He is healthy, and growing, and developing and active so there's nothing to worry about. He was just not destined to be a FAT-so baby.

This week we have continued to feed him ... in between his drinking times we feed him, and this week the doctor recommended making vegetable juice and giving it to him, and not limiting his juice to just fruit juices.

He's learning how to push himself off of different objects. Like if he is having tummy time on his play mat he will grab the edges to pull himself toward whatever it is he wants to play with. If he's on his back he can arch his back to scoot himself backward. Small progress, but he's slowly slowly learning how to get towards what he wants.
Still no interest in rolling onto his back from his tummy time position ... he CAN but he ... just doesn't care for it I guess.

Still sleeping with either mommy or daddy on the big bed ... effectively kicking either mommy or daddy out and sending one of them to his room to sleep on the floor there. I'm going to try to put him back in his room but on these HOT HOT HOT nights it just doesn't seem like the best idea.

Refuses to fall asleep with mommy during the day. It breaks my heart. WAAAAAAAAAA He SCREAMS and kicks and flails trying to get away from me and then daddy comes to 'save' him and within a minute he's silent and sleeping. I think it's because I have been spending very little time with him because of my work, so he's really bonded with daddy who has been taking care of him every day. He's also too long to fit comfortably (as comfortably as he can with daddy) in my arms ... I guess ... daddy just has so much more space for him ... as soon as this big project winds up I am going to spend TONS of quality time with my poor estranged son to get him back to being a 'mommy's boy' ... or as close to it as I possibly can.

His pants finally fit him! YAY! I had so many T-shirts that were so cute and were going to start getting small for him but all of his pants were still too big! But now they FITTTT! And I am sooooo happy!

Picture time! I took these today! (not the one with all the clothes) Thank you A. Sara for the clothes! They really compliment his boyishness!!!

New clothes from A.Sara and U.Cesko

He doesn't understand why both hands don't fit into his mouth

YAY! I'm 5 months old today!!!

I tell him to smile and he give me this ...

So active and happy

Doing jumping jacks lying down.


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