Friday, August 2, 2013

Potty Training Update

It's been almost 3 months since I started potty training Aiden for reals.
It's been a very easy-going journey, because we go out a lot (once in the morning and again in the afternoon), so the time at home to concentrate on the training has been very limited.
But the time we spent at Home I tried to be consistent, without pushing too hard or putting too much pressure ... making the whole thing as fun and simple as possible.
As a result, I can say this hasn't been stressful at all ... its been one extra thing to think about for sure, but its not anything I worried about, or felt bad about because he wasn't making progress.
On the contrary, he has taken to it so well and now I don't even worry about him making messes! He can go up to 3-4 hours without peeing now, so if I remember I will ask him if he needs to go, but I don't worry if I forget! He is in normal underwear now if we are at Home, only using a diaper for nap and night time, but he wakes up dry for both! I am now able to use cloth diapers for both nap and night time which is saving normal diaper costs also!
He still has a problem with doing his #2 in the potty.... or even telling us ... I think he is still scared of going #2 on the potty so that's something we try to look out for ...
This morning he just sat bolt upright at 6 in the morning and said 'kaka'! (Albanian for #2 ... which he uses whenever he needs to go potty) ... so I put him on the potty, changed him into underwear, and now he's back sleeping! (It's almost 8:30 in the morning!)
This made me very happy because although he usually wakes up dry, this is the first time he's woken up out of sleep to actually TELL me and hold it enough to go on the potty!
Of course our potty training journey isn't over ... still gotta get the fear of pooping to go away somehow ...
But I'm really happy at how easy-going and laid back it all has been ...

And he looks soooooo cute with his baby underwear!!

2 reactions:

Seiko said...

I guess its normal the fear of poop thing, Sammy was like that she was potty trained for number one in two weeks, took another two weeks for number two. A few months ago she had constipation, which put the fear of number two in her ALL OVER AGAIN!! So frustrating, but I don't take it hard on either of us if there is an opps. I actually figure thats normal and nothing to freak out over just like wtv. So that took loads of pressure off. She seems to have gotten over it again. So now for Ry

MC said...

Awww, Aiden has grown so much!
How is everybody? How you feeling?

Laert is in full potty training mode and he went through the phase of being scared of going #2. He would hide and try to hold it until we'd go outside and I'd put a pull-up on him...then he would go. ugh...what a pain.
Then, one day I told him that it was ok to go #2...we got the book Everyone Poops at the library, totally hilarious book, but the little ones can relate!....and that I understand it it a private in that case mommy would close the bathroom door if he had to go.
Somehow it clicked!! He thought it was awesome to be in the bathroom by himself, and now will go #2 if he's in the house.

He has yet to tell us if we're outside....I think he's afraid because there is no potty when we go outside!

Good job mamma! We're almost there!