Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fussy Baby

Just when I thought we had gotten a nice groove with his schedule, BAM ... he goes and changes it on me.
These past few days he's been really wonky. Fussy, angry, hard to please, refusing to eat, throwing fits, tired. I'm really hoping it's because his 3rd bottom tooth is coming out, and not because he's starting a little rebellious pre-toddler phase. He usually takes 2 naps during the day but these days he's been taking 3 and it's thrown his schedule (and mine) completely out of whack. He doesn't eat his food anymore but makes like this 'bleh' sound with his tongue and lips and all the food goes spraying. When I scold him he starts really crying like his little heart got broken so he needs to be taken out of the highchair and calmed and soothed before we can resume eating. Also with his toys, or wanting to 'walk' or go somewhere. If he doesn't get his way he throws a fit and cries and freaks out when he is scolded.
Needless to say it's been a tough few days. I'm hoping the tooth breaks (any day now!) and he goes back to being his lovely lovable self. Cause if this is his new personality I think I will cry. We'll see in the next few days.

In other news, Daddy got an iPhone 4s for Christmas (postal system ... WONKY!) ... and he's obsessed now with instagram ... so there have been a lot more pics on Facebook compared to before ... but I'll just post them here for those who don't have Facebook. (HI MOM!!!!)


Looks like he has buck teeth :D:D

Taken just this morning. After an incident of food spitting and getting scolded a lone tear remained on his cheek. Poor pooch.

Sharing a moment.

All in Green for St.Patrick's Day!

Sleeping Angel

After a bath.

Just chilling

An afternoon at the lake. LB is getting BIG!

Give Mama a kiss


Playtime with LB. So sweet!!!

New hat that came with a batch of new clothes for summer. Thanks A.Patty!

Like Father like Son

FLYING! Such a beautiful photo




Looking so chub chubs

2 reactions:

Seiko Hashimoto said...

aww man jewel. Sam did this same thing at that age. Only it was right after Riley was born... teething and also age. Riley got a little bratty around her 1st birthday age too .. only she was easier to deal with. I cut down both girls naps around that age, made them only take one, two small ones in the beginning then slowly just one long nap, it helped their schedule and eating habits a lot. Also maybe he senses baby number two is coming, people told me Sam shouldn't be jealous cuz she was too young to get it, and she never was ... only she somehow needed TWICE as much love then Riley did ...

MC said...

Beautiful pics!!!
He's adorable.
Pretty sure that's the tooth that's causing him to act up. If you have orajel use it, it is a life saver. But use just a little bit (try it on your teeth first) as that stuff is powerful and really numbs you out.