I say this every month its just crazy!
It's very strange though. With Papoosie growing time just seems to be whizzing by light-speed! But then when it comes to LB I wish he would just pop out already ... I'm tired of him beating me up from the inside out, and carrying him around like a big fat pregnant woman! Ahem.
Wowie Zowie! Next month Papoosie is gonna be a whole year old! Who wants to come to his party? I'm only gonna take like 10-15 ppl so if you want in you gotta let me know.
Papoosie continues to grow and develop and every day (yes, even the crazy not so happy ones) is such a wonder to me. He is such a sweet baby and is so loving and adorable!
Here are the news in his 11 months:
-Got his bedtime routine down
-Sleeps in his own crib/room
-Such attitude
-Teaching him signing
Yep ... sounds awesome doesn't it! Here's what an average day in the life of Papoosie looks like:
Most days he will wake up anywhere between 7-8, and Grandma brings him to our room. He started really moving and kicking a lot in his sleep and it would hurt my tummy when he kicked so we moved a bed into his room, and now he sleeps in his crib and grandma sleeps in the bed beside it! I am so thankful grandma loves him so much and actually WANTS to (instead of doing it as a favor to us) sleep with Papoosie. I am SO darn lucky!
Anyway, so grandma brings him in the morning, and goes off to work, and Papoosie plays between us until we wake up enough to make him breakfast and start his day. He will eat, get his bottom wash and diaper change, and play for an hour or so. Around 2 hours after he wakes up he takes his morning nap .... anywhere between 30 min and 1 hour.
Then once he wakes up he will have second breakfast (HIIIIIIIIIIII Patty), then since it's been warm these days we take him out. To meet friends, go to the lake, go window shopping, do errands .... we stay out till around 2 or 3 when it's his nap time. We feed him, and by the time we get home he's sleeping! He will sleep for an hour or two, and then after he wakes up and has another meal we have happy play time between mommy, grandma, and daddy in the afternoon.
Around 8:30, 9 I make him dinner, we wash hands, mouth, and bottom, change into pajamas, brush teeth and by 9:30 ish he will sleep. Of course he's not a clock so its just a general flow ...
His favorite playtime activities are standing up (with his head popping out of the playpen/crib) and throwing the ball and having us 'fetch' it for him. He will do this over and over and over again ... sometimes we substitute the balls for blocks, or string/chain and he loves the sound it makes. He also LOVES walking. Like the video in the previous post, we bought him a little harness thingie and when we go to the lake we put it on and he walks along with us ... he's quite a good walker and can go pretty far before tiring!
Other than bye, hajde (come here), pointing, and saying please, I'm also teaching him I'm sorry, thank-you, more, and all-done. He watches baby signing videos as well, but those are the ones that I am teaching him. He's SUPER smart. He also understands DAME (no in Japanese), when I tell him not to touch something or put it in his mouth he retracts his hand or takes the thing out of his mouth. But he's really naughty because he gets a little mad that I told him no and he will kind of make an 'ugh' sound and try to hit my hand, or throw the thing that he was putting in his mouth away. Kind of like throwing a fit that I said no. For now I say 'good baby' in response to his taking his hand back or taking the thing out of his mouth ... but if his reaction gets stronger I'll have to work on that.
A week or so ago he had a couple days where he was teething bad ... those nights he got a break from the crib and came to sleep with us. I could feel the 3rd bottom tooth coming in, but since then it cold feet or something cause I can feel it but it's not showing. Funny.
A few times now he has 'fallen asleep' on his own either in his car seat or in his high chair. These are cases of him in a state of extreme tiredness, but it's PROGRESS I say!
Anyway I don't have his measurements cause I have to go tomorrow so I will leave off for now.
Enjoy some CUTE CUTE CUTE pictures!!!
Saying please ...