Obviously I've skipped a week but I feel justified because I've BEEN SICK!
Oh the horror it has been ... and still not over yet! But I'm hanging in there ... what else can be done, eh? I feel so terrible that maybe the Papoosie is suffering because I can't give him the attention that he needs ... but I promised myself as soon as the sickness is over I will re-double my efforts all over again!
As of yesterday I've stopped pumping milk (and offering the boob as a soothing method). Papoosie is a formula and food baby from now!
I bought him a potty ... but am in no condition to start trying to get him used to the idea so I am not even going to try ... I am going to wait another month or so until I can do this the right way with my full attention and energy ... otherwise he will just end up hating the potty and not get trained properly.
Such a sweetie pie my Papoosie is. Seems he understands most of the time that I am unable to do things that I used to for him ... he still overflows with smiles and love for me and the ppl around (daddy, grandma, grandpa, auntie) ... it melts my heart how sweet he is! Of course nowadays he is also starting to scream and cry for 'no reason' ... and sometimes we have swatted his leg when he seems to be throwing a fit just for the sake of it ... but it makes me feel so sad because half of the reason he does it is because I am unable to pick him up ... or I leave him lying on the bed when I get too nauseated and have to run to the bathroom ... etc. Oh well ... I'll figure it out.
He now refuses to sleep in his crib ... so he sleeps with me now on our big bed and daddy has been relegated to the baby's room. It's been getting really cold these days and most nights he ends up cuddling up in the crook of my arm even though I start him out on his own little pad next to me instead of really snuggled up with me. I guess I don't mind because eventually once the belly starts growin' he's not gonna find it as comfy as before ... and once the baby actually comes he's not gonna be able to do it anymore either ... so I want (and want him) to enjoy this snuggling as much as possible.
Eating is still progressing steadily, which is a relief and a joy to watch. I am really not a fan of formula (not only because it's expensive) ... so the less he drinks now and the more he learns to eat will be just awesome.