Friday, August 26, 2011

19 weeks old

Between working all the time and dying of this insane heat this week just flew by.
He's turned into quite the little drool machine! But he really dislikes the bibs so we just walk around with burp cloths on our shoulders and wiping cloths in our hands.

He really really really does not like drinking. Maybe it's this insane heat, cause at night he just drinks almost 200ml at a time as if to make up for the day time! But during the day its SUCH a fight to get him to take the bottle, and I really really don't want to go back to breastfeeding him. But I will if it's the only thing he will take.

I haven't mentioned this, because I wanted it to go with the pictures, but at the rate I am posting, I wont get around to it for awhile because of my crazy work schedule ...
He's been eating (well, sucking on) fruits since he was 3 months. We give him grape, melon, watermelon, peach, apple ... we get a cutting and he just sucks until the juice is gone from a particular spot. He's gonna like his food I think! Which is a good sign because when he refuses to drink his milk it gets me a little worried!

Just yesterday he grabbed his feet for the first time! I had been doing it in his exercises ... 'grab your feet like this!' and after his bath he was lying on the bed and I noticed him doing THIS!

I hadn't even been playing with him or anything ... he just DID it! I was oh so happy ... and it was OH so cute! He now grabs his feet whenever he can ... and soon he'll be eating his feet too! I think it's the cutest thing when they eat their feet!

Still oh so hot and still oh so fussy. The past 3 nights they had weddings in the neighborhood and they BLASTED the music partying until 1 or 2 in the morning. Poor Papoosie's sleep suffered greatly and one of the nights I was sick with cramps so I couldn't get up to help Ardit and MIL take care of him. I could only hear him cry and it was oh so hard for me!
Last night we were so fed up with it that we went to visit our friend's house
He slept oh so well and it was so much cooler at their house than down smack dab in the city.
Tonight they were partying it up again and pooor baby was crying as he was trying to sleep that MIL got fired up and went down there to tell them to shut it. They must've been getting complaints from the other parents in the neighborhood cause now it's ALL QUIET ... and my Papoosie is SLEEPING!!!!
YaY! Now I will go sleep too! See you next week ... unless I find a crack between my work schedule to post pictures that are STACKING UP!

2 reactions:

Megumi Hirasawa said...

Maybe u mentioned it in older posts, but why dont u want to breastfeed?

Fyrefly said...

It's not that I don't want to. There are times when he refuses the bottle and only wants the boob and I don't mind that at all ... he's just such a snacker and doesn't drink properly so I feel like he's getting more with the bottle.It's just that the bottle works better for me. It makes it possible for me to go somewhere else and leave him with granmda, or it lets daddy feed him too. Even WITH the bottle these days he isn't getting enough ... my baby is just so hyper what can I do ... its a struggle every day.