Friday, July 29, 2011

15 weeks

First of all, I want to say a HUGE HUGE congrats to Mercy!!!!
Welcome little Tu-tu kun, I hope you and my little Papoosie become great friends. You have a wonderful mother and you are so lucky to be born to her. I can't wait to meet you!
Good job Mercy, he looks like he could be really really cute! Can't wait to see more pictures of him as he grows! I know things are gonna get tough with the schedule and taking care of the little one and all ... but ganbatte! Ouen shiteruyo! I will always be around to give you my 3-month-ahead advice! :d :d. Love you so much and can't wait to hear your story! Omedetou!

Now back to MY little one!
15 weeks old! This week I started putting more milk into his bottles (I used to only put 125ml), so when he's really hungry he can drink up 150 ml! His daily milk intake has jumped from a 450-550ml average to a 550-650ml average per day. That's almost a liter more per week!
His poop schedule seems to be evening out again (thank god) ... with around 2 poops per day as opposed to the once every 3 or 4 days that he was doing the past few weeks.
This week he really has come alive in the attentiveness department. Just from one day to the next he has gotten so much more alert and focused on us, responding to our differing facial expressions with expressiveness of his own. He will laugh when being smiled at, look perplexed when being scolded, etc etc ... it's taken his cuteness to a whole new level! I have some videos but I can't find the bloggie so it'll have to wait for next time.
I forgot to mention this before, but from a month or so ago (I think) his belly button started going in, and now its like mommy's! Like a bunch of stretched skin that will go in properly in time. It's been one less thing to worry about ... quite a relief that it didn't take 6-12 months!
It's been a great week with a new and happier (easier to make happy) Papoosie.

1 reactions:

Anonymous said...

Thank you Jewel! You're so sweet. xxx Love to your and your babah!