I love watching my 2 boys sleep next to each other. It turneth my heart into mush.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Thank you Auntie Yurika and Uncle Steven!
Thank you both very much for thinking of me, and I hope you get to meet me someday soon!
Saving lots of slobbery kisses and burpies just for you,
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
7th First outing
Saturday, May 21, 2011
5 week checkup
On the 20th we took our Papoosie for a 5 week checkup. The only reason why we went was because the last time we took him the doctor told us he was too small to measure. I think they just wanted to see the baby again because he was so cute hehehe. But I'm not complaining: it was another opportunity to chart his growth and see how big he's gotten.
At 5 weeks:
Weight: 3,600 grams.
Height: 51 cm (which means that in 5 weeks he's grown 4 cm!)
Head circumference: 35 (has grown 2 cm in 5 weeks)
He also has a belly button hernia, which apparently is quite common in preemie babies. It can take up to a year or two for the belly button to go in like normal, but I'm really hoping it doesn't take that long and that it becomes a normal belly by around 3 months. It never hurts to hope.
It's been getting much much warmer ... no scratch that. It's been getting HOT (ummm hello, but what happened to SPRING?) ... and the doctor encouraged grandma to not bundle him so much. YAY! Cause no matter what we've been saying whenever she takes the baby she can't help but bundle him in at least 2 blankets and 3 layers of clothes. Now he goes around with just 2 layers and 1 blanket!
It's amazing how fast my baby is growing! Our next appointment is June 15th, when he is going to get his 2nd batch of vaccinations. This is such a controversial subject for me. Growing up in the Family I didn't get any vaccinations, and neither did my friends, or most of the kids I took care of. I've heard so many horror stories about vaccinations going wrong, and the point of getting vaccinated is so you don't have to have the sickness ... but I had most of the childhood diseases while I was young, and once you get them you never get them again (unless ur damn unlucky and then you MIGHT get it again), so it was just get sick and get it over with along with your whole class ... kind of a deal. But Como-kun hasn't grown up that way, has gotten all vaccinations, and to his family it was kind of a foregone conclusion that the baby would get them. Even when I was pregnant the docs and nurses at appointments were always shocked to hear I hadn't gotten a single shot as a kid. Aaaaaaaanyway .... I know some of them he probably should get because we live in a ... not so clean environment and there are sicknesses here that do not exist in Japan. (And more germs ... maybe? :D)
But I just don't want to subject him to shots every month for every kind of vaccination in the book just because the doctors recommend them. I know some he won't need ... but not being able to talk directly to the docs because of the language barrier really hampers communication. And Ardit thinks we should just give them all to him ... so what to do?
I guess the most right now is just hope and pray real hard that I/baby doesn't become one of the sob stories you hear about.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
1 month old!
My Papoosie is 1 whole month old today! Time really flies and he is growing so much!
Friday, May 13, 2011
4 weeks old!
Posted by Fyrefly at 7:31 PM 3 reactions
Monday, May 9, 2011
6th 3 weeks old!
5th checkup and first time outside
Posted by Aiden at 4:06 PM 0 reactions
Labels: announcement, baby, growing, photo
4th First time in crib
Posted by Aiden at 3:55 PM 2 reactions
Family Photo
Here are those family photos I mentioned in the previous post. We all somehow ended up in the same color and that is what prompted this photo taking session.
Posted by Aiden at 1:43 PM 2 reactions
May 3rd, Easter Bunny!