Today I was wearing a blouse like this ...
obviously not me ... but the pic shows the flaps down the side ...
AAANYWAY,.... I was at the counter preparing dinner for Aiden, and he grabbed one of the flaps and was playing inainai ba (peekaboo) with it. Then he started trying to wrap it around himself, playing with it, etc. Then he suddenly grabbed it REAL hard, and ran behind me. He pulled so hard that I almost fell backward! It jolted me, and I barely caught myself before I fell right on top of him! But the jolt and sudden slack made him fall down and he hit is head on the wall next to him, and then fell flat on his face! Poor baby wasn't hurt too bad, but he was so shocked he burst out crying and only wanted mommy (refused to go to Papa). I am so shocked at how strong this little boy is getting!
Yesterday evening I took the kids to a Halloween party (co-hosted by me, ahem). I got one of my friends to come along to help watch the kids (Thanks Smyle!) and thank GOD for her because I was running around pretty much the whole time picking people up, or taking pics (unofficial event photographer).
I am too tired to upload the pics here, so you will have to click this link here ...
Hope you had a fun Halloween!
P.S. Happy Birthday to MEEEEEEEE